Female Breast cancer: Breast cancer is a disease in which abnormal breast cells grow out of control and form tumor. Breast cancer cell being inside the milk Ducks and all the milk producing lobules of the breast. In 2022 there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and 6,70,000 death’s globally. Approximately 99% of breast cancer occur in women and 0.5 – 1% of breast cancer occur in men.

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer:-
Breast cancer have combination of symptoms like:- Breast lump or thickness often without pain, Dimples redness pitting or other changes in the skin, Abnormal or blood fluid from the nipples, Change in size shape or appearance of the breast etc.

Treatment of breast cancer:-
Treatment of breast cancer depends on the sub type of cancer.
1) Surgery to remove the breast tumor
2) Radiation therapy
3) medications to kill cancer cell and prevent spread, including hormonal therapies, chemotherapy or targeted biological therapy.

How to avoid breast cancer:-
To avoid best cancer you must leave or includes some important things in your daily routine.
1) be physical active
2) Eat fruits vegetables
3) Limit alcohol, don’t smoke
4) Breast feed your children if possible
5) Avoid birth control pills


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