Relationship Tips: Love is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be difficult to define because it encompasses a range of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs. But Attraction is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be defined as: A strong physical, emotional, or intellectual draw towards someone or something .

Here are five ways to help you determine if it’s love or just an attraction:

1. You care about their well-being: If you find yourself constantly thinking about the other person’s happiness, supporting them in their goals, and feeling concerned when they’re struggling, it might be love.

2. You accept their flaws: If you can accept and even adore the person’s imperfections, quirks, and flaws, it could be a sign of deeper love.

3. You feel a deep emotional connection: If you feel a strong bond, can be vulnerable, and share intimate thoughts and feelings with each other, it might be more than just attraction.

4. You prioritize their needs: If you find yourself putting the other person’s needs before your own desires, it could be a sign of selfless love.

5. You envision a future together: If you can picture a future with this person, imagine growing together, and building a life as a team, it might be love.

Attraction is often driven by physical desire, whereas love encompasses a deeper emotional connection, mutual respect, and a willingness to grow together.


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