Google-owned video streaming service YouTube has removed more than 22 lakh videos from India from its platforms and has also banned lakhs of channels. Let us tell you why YouTube has taken such action. Actually, YouTube has presented the Community Guidelines Enforcement Report from October to December 2023. It has been seen in this report that YouTube has removed videos from many countries around the world from its platform, but the highest number is of Indian videos.

Youtube deleted over 9 Million videos across the world

YouTube has deleted a total of 90,12,232 videos from all over the world for not following their guidelines. Most of these videos are from India. YouTube has deleted a total of 22,54,902 videos from India. In this list, Singapore is second after India, where 12,43,871 videos have been deleted by YouTube. Apart from these, YouTube’s own country i.e. USA is at third place, whose 7,88,354 videos have been deleted by the company. According to data shared by YouTube, 96% of these videos were identified through ‘automatic flagging’, which means that these videos were not reviewed by a human but by a machine. The company also revealed that about 51.15% of the videos that were removed had zero views, 26.43% of the videos had 0-10 views and only 1.25% of the videos had more than 10,000 views.

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Apart from removing videos, YouTube has also removed a total of 20,592,341 channels from its platforms. Of these, 92.8% channels have been removed for spam, misleading or fraudulent content. At the same time, 4.5% have been removed for nudity or sexual content and 0.9% for spreading misinformation.


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