What is Ascaris worm?
Ascaris worms, also known as Ascaris lumbricoides, is a type of roundworm parasitic/infection. They are one of the most common intestinal parasites worldwide, affecting millions of people. These worms use your body as a host to mature from larvae or eggs to adult worms. Adult worms, which reproduce, can be more than a 40 cm (16 inches) in length and 5 mm (0.2 inches) in diameter.

What are the symptoms of Ascaris?
Symptoms: Infections can be asymptomatic, but heavy infestations can cause:
1. Abdominal pain or cramping
2. Diarrhea or constipation
3. Nausea or vomiting
4. Weight loss
5. Fatigue
6. Intestinal blockage (in severe cases)

What is theTreatment:
Ascaris worm is usually treated with anti-parasitic medications, such as albendazole (Albenza), ivermectin (Stromectol), or mebendazole .

(“Disclaimer: This article is for general information only and not medical advice. Views expressed are those of the author. Consult a healthcare professional for specific concerns. GK News disclaims liability for any damages arising from the use of this information.”)


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